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Hygiene and Skin in class assignment

Hygiene and Skin in class assignment

Q I want you to create a document to include the TWO sets of critical points outlined below. This will be done in your small groups • For this assignment you will write out your 5 critical points from the Personal Hygiene Skills module after you've discussed it in your small groups. Upload your 5 critical points here. • I also want you to write 3 critical points for obtaining a wound culture (Collecting a Wound Culture can be found in your textbook "Skill 32-6") For this assignment, for full credit you must have ALL critical points uploaded here. Submit a word document with your critical points for both Personal Hygiene and Obtaining a Wound Culture. Critical Points EXAMPLE: These are to be in bullet format and substantive. This is just an example of one critical point below from a different topic: • Assessment Following a C-Section: Parent-child bonding is important but is not priority. Assessing for post-partum hemorrhage is priority. Incision should be assessed for infection and dehiscence. Prevent post-operative complication PreviousNext

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5 critical points from the Personal Hygiene Skills 1. Focusing on patient’s skin condition to make sure we do not over dry the patient’s skin by washing too frequently, especially if the patient has flaky skin. The pressure you use is also important. 2. Only exposing the body parts that you are washing. 3. With perineal care for females wiping front to back, and for the males wipe in concentric circles outwards from the meatus down the shaft. 4. Importance of assessing oral hygiene daily especially for unconscious clients. 5. Make sure to remove client’s dentures periodically to check gums.